Last Updated on : 19 FEB 2009
Note : These are rough prices for purchasing components in RETAIL. Though I will try to keep them updated, actual prices might be different and might vary from shop to shop. Prices are provided only to get an idea of your project expenses.
Enjoy ….
Part |
Price (Rs) |
Notes |
# Components : |
resistor(1/4w) | 0.5 | |
capacitor | 1 | |
disc capacitor | 0.5 | |
4700uF, 35V | 16 | |
4700uF, 50V | 24 | |
4700uF, 63V | 48 | |
2200uF, 35V | 9 | |
2200uF, 50V | 16 | |
BoostCap 350F, 2.5V | 1200 | > Available at Ganesh electronics, |
BoostCap 140F, 2.5V | 850 | > Borivali (W) – Mumbai – 092 |
BoostCap 10F, 2.5V | 350 | > 022-22962306 , |
PC-5 2F, 5.0V | 500 | > 022-28995657 |
preset (cermet) | 6 | |
1N4007 | 0.5 | |
1N5408 | 2 | 3A diode |
BAT85 | 3 | schottky diode |
1N4148 | 0.5 | switching diode |
BC547 | 1 | (don’t u know what’s this!) |
2N2222 | 2 | High freq. transistor |
7805,7809,7812 | 7 | voltage regulators |
Piezo speaker | 5 | |
3mm LED R,Y,G,W | 1 | |
5mm LED R,Y,G,W | 1.5 | |
Crystals (4M – 24M) | 6 | |
3mm IR pair | 10 | |
IC base | 0.1 | Rs per pin |
ZIF socket 40pin | 65 | |
Micro switch | 2 | |
PLCC 44 pin socket | 15 | |
PLCC 84 pin socket | 18 |
# ICs – Digital : |
ATmega32 – 16PU | 130 | Best for beginners as well as advance users. Can be used with development board kit. |
ATmega16 – 16PU | 100 | <same as above> |
ATmega8 – 16PU | 55 | |
SMD ATmega128 | 375 | 64 TQFP, 53 I/O, 128K Fl, 4K RAM |
SMD ATmega8 | 100 | |
SMD ATmega16 | 130 | |
ATtiny2313 | 55 | |
AT90S2313 | 70 | |
AT89S52 – 24PC | 45 | |
PIC18F4455 | 300* | USB, 24K Fl,2K RAM (2 available with me) |
PIC18F4450 | ?? | USB, 32K Fl,2K RAM |
PIC16F877 | 145 | |
PIC16F876 | 200 | |
dsPIC30F4012-30I/SP | 300* | 16bit, 30MIPS, 1Msps ADC, 48K Fl, 2K RAM, 28pin DIP, 5.0V (2 Available with me) |
dsPIC30F2010-30I/SP | 240* | 16bit, 30MIPS, 1Msps ADC, 12K Fl, 512B RAM, 28pin DIP, 5.0V (2 Available with me) |
dsPIC33FJ12MC202-I/SP | 210* | 16bit, 40MIPS, 1Msps ADC, 12K Fl, 1K RAM, 28pin DIP, 3.3V (2 Available with me) |
AT91SAM7S64 | — | The ARM !! 55MHz, 64K Fl —- |
NEW LPC2138 | 380 | ARM, 60MHz, 512K Fl (SMD Components, Lamington) |
NEW LPC2148 | 450 | The ARM !! 60MHz, 512K Fl, USB (SMD Components, Lamington) |
NEW MSP430F417IPM | 780 | 16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power uC, 32k Fl, 1kB RAM, Comparator, 96 Segment LCD (Amar Electronics, Coimbatore) |
24C256 | 40 | I2C EEPROM 256kbit |
24C512 | 50 | I2C EEPROM 512kbit |
DS1307 | 35 | RTC |
74HC154 | 28 | 4:16 decoder, active low |
74HC541 | 10 | Octal buffer |
ULN2803 | 13 | Octal Driver, 500mA per driver |
27SF020 | 2Mbit, parallel flash | |
CD4541 | 8 | Programmable timer |
HEF4069 | 6 | Hex inverter |
74HC125 | 9 | 3state buffer |
XC9536 | 190 | Xilinx CPLD |
CD4060 | 8 | 14 Stage binary ripple carry counter |
12MHz Crystal oscillator | 45 | ![]() |
# ICs – Analog: |
L293D | 70 | Motor driver. H bridge. |
MAX232 | 17 | RS232 line driver |
LM386 | 7 | 1.25W audio power amp |
LM380 | 40 | 8W audio power amp |
uA741 | 4 | (is any description needed ?) |
TL062 | 10 | Dual, JFET input OPAMP |
TL064 | 12 | Quad, JFET input OPAMP |
NE555 | 4 | (is any description needed ?) |
TSOP1738 | 18 | IR detector @ 38Khz |
7805 | 6 | |
7812 | 6 | |
LM723 | 10 | Voltage regulator |
LM324 | 5 | Quad comparator |
LM339 | 5 | Quad comparator |
4N25 | 8.5 | 6Pin DIP Optoisolator |
IRFZ44 | 14 | 50A, N ch MOSFET |
IRF3205 | 30 | 110A, N ch MOSEFT |
IRF9540 | 28 | -23A, P ch MOSFET |
IRF4905 | 60 | -74A, P Ch MOSFET |
IRF250N | 30 | 30A, N Ch MOSFET |
IRF250 (plain) | 60 | N Ch MOSFET |
MBR1045 | 10 | 10A Schottky diode, Vr = -45V |
MAR-8 | 300 | DC to1GHz RF amplifier (@Cirkit/SMD electronics) |
- : Effective price after importing 10 pcs.
Where to get :
Most of the above components can be purchased from following shops :
Mumbai :
1) Visha Electronics
– Best for almost everything in above list and with appropriate discount on bulk purchase
ADD : 7,Kalpana Bldg,1st Floor,Opp.Lamington Road Police Chowky,349,Lamington Road
PH : 022 – 3862650
2) Cirkit Electronics
– mostly digital ICs only
ADD : 54B, Proctor Road, “Drug house building”, off Lamington Road, Mumbai 7
PH : 022 – 23877777/ 23800888
SMD division : 022 – 32402444
3) Bombay Electronics(Best for DC Geared motors, stepper motors)
ADD : 13B & 13C, Shamrao Vithal Marg, Off Lamington Road
PH : 022 – 23885654
4) Servo Electronics
– Good for all kinds of DC geared motors and steppers
ADD : 5, Motibai Bhuvan, 3A, Proctor Road, Grant Road(E), near railway station, Mumbai, 400 007
PH : 022-66346573
5) Precious Components
– all kinds of SMD components
ADD : Chhotani Building, 52-C, Proctor Road, Grant Road (E), Mumbai, 400 007
PH : :022 23867459
- :022 23867459
6) Bhagawati Electronics (For ferrite beads, torroids, cores etc)
1st Floor, Gandhi Bhavan, Off Lamington road.
1) Amar Electronics :
– For SMDs and industrial components
– Expensive prices, opt only if you don’t have any other choice.
Add: 111, Oppanakara Street, Coimbatore – 641001
M : 09843859901 (Mr. Aditya)
PH : 422-2390072/4359116
E :
Besides this, if you want to inquire about any other component, please post comment and I will try to add its information in above list as soon as possible.
Address and contact numbers :
Other Tags : semiconductor Buy, IC purchase, microcontroller, Power MOSFET,
Semiconductor cost, electronics
Hello Elecrom
I have a PMA Tester which i use to test Conventional Fire Alarm system and the tester is broken now. i want to know if it can be repaired or is there any shop which can copy or manufacture same?
Its work on a principal of 24VDC power.
in reply to various questions asked above i would like to mention that an online electronic shop will cater to the needs of almost all the above components.
We require following electronic items to repair the Power Supply of German make Microscope.
1) Diode: YG802C09
2) IC: 1H0565R
3) OPtocuplur : 817B
contact no 9823134922
I want inductor of rating
1)240uH current 4.66A Quantity-3
37 mH ,5A Quantity-1
2)capacitor 22uf,700v Quantity-1
500uf ,500v Quantity-1
3 phase IGBT Power Module Voltage 800>1200v Quantity-1
Current 6Amps
hi everyone,
i want quotation of following items as a 200 quantity.
lcd 16*2
ic ase 40 pin
128*64 lcd
main switch
5mm led
push button
Where do I get 3.3 uf 400 V in Mumbai ?
where can get digital compass 1490??
Where can we get ARM9 boards at Lamington Road? Can you please provide information about their manufacturers, specifications and the cost?
I want to know the price and from where can I purchase ready audio circuits in mumbai
anybody knows programming the arduino boards please contact me,
manish kaushik
I know Arduino programming. What is your requirenment?
i want to configure the adxl335 with arduino uno for balancing
you ple cl me on 9867005973
where will i get musical greeting card module in quantity of say 100/500 on lamington road ? or just the button cell with pull tab switching mechanism ?
Guys, Beware Bombay Electronics sell fake (chinese) servo motors. I was handed over a fake futaba s3003 which had inaccurate and sluggish behaviour. You can choose servo electronics for motor stuffs they sell genuine products.
from where i get lpc2138 in low price?
Where can I get ARDUINO UNO board in Lamington Road
If you want i van provide it.
I am looking for IC LTC 4060 and PNP Transistor MJD 210. Please anyone can tell me where can I get in Mumbai?
Hi elecrom.. I need FCM8201 IC, which would be useful for motor applications… Where can I get
i need voltage to frequency converter ic AD650 / AD537 / LM131 / LM331
could you please tell me where would i get this at cheap price.
I tried some mumbai shop list from here for cp2102, pl2303 and ft232 but without luck
they are selling module only. please give details from where I can get these Items
Preferably CP2102.
I have all kinds of IC’s, CP2102, FT232 at very attractive prices.
Are you from Ventor???
Sambhav Electronics-Mumbai
Tel: + 91 22 61246552
Cell: +91 9773397486
Hello, i wanted to know whether can we get MAX 7219/7221 (8×8 matrix led driver ICs), NXP SAA 1064 (7 segment driver) & 7805 all in SMD form in lamington. If yes, could you please help me with the stores address please?
I have checked in SMD Components store, & the owner just shakes his head with a big NO to the 3 ICs.. lol..
Also could you help me out with a comrehensive store that stocks everything in SMDs, as am finding it difficult to source some vital stuffs in SMD form.
Also, want to thank you for this post you have made, really appreciate it! Saves time on wandering out on Lamington & going shop to shop n seeing shop owners shaking their head profusely if tehy dont stock the products we need lol..
well … check with precious, you can also ask SMD components to import for you. They can get those ICs during their next scheduled import.
Hi Elecrom,
Could u tell me where in India I can get the following:
linear actuator 110lb with pot feedback, FIRST CIM motor (or similar) and planetary gearbox
Thanks, appreciate ur guidance,
I want to know the price and from where can I purchase
PL2303, CP2102, FT245RL
I am in kolkata and dont want to purchase in bulk.
pls advice.
hey i m lookin for ic CA3162,CA3161 for my digital thermometer circuit…ny idea where i l find dm in mumbai….tried many shops.wid 0%success..and if not, which ic do i replace dm wid….
plz reply……
CELL NO : 9869610519 ,TELE NO :022-66368751
where i can get readymade sensors
such as adxl320, adxl330 etc..
please help me
thank you….
please reply me urgent……
I have ADXL335BCPZ @ 250/- EACH
Please contact me if required
Sambhav Electronics-Mumbai
Tel: +91 22 61246552
pcb,kit of old elector electronics
hey im working on a project which requires FPGAS….im looking for xillinx and altera fpgas….EP2CT144 and XXC3s200 to be precise….if not these then can u suggest which fpgas are easily available…and where i can find them.
thank you !
see :, search xilinx or altera FPGAs. Shipping costs are approx 1000Rs.
from where can i order servo motor of 6V, 5.6 kgcm torque…and a rechargaeble Li-ion battery with charger…??
i need to courier the stuff…
i asked visha electronics they dont have ne of them…
Check Servo Electronics/ Bombay electronics/ Gala electronics for motors. For Li-ion batteries, there is one shop near Gandhi Bhuvan on lamington road, which deals with all types of rechargeable batteries, sorry I forgot its name.
Where should i get broken photovoltaic cell
pcb,kit of old elector electronics and subtitute and price ofgt20d201,gt20d101 thanking you
please send me that items quotation
price of tr 2sk1530,2sj201 thanking you
I need to procure
1. Photodiode PNZ334
2. Red LED SSL X5093SRC/DV
3. InfraRed LED LTE 5208A
for pulseoximeter project.
please let me know where can I get them in mumbai??
Need help asap
hi dear,
You want any electronic component available for this website
Where can i get renesas microcontrollers in 50s quantity?
Amar electronics of coimbatore ( 0422 2390072 )
In it something is. Many thanks for an explanation, now I will know.
HI can u help me on foll:
1) is there any solder or pen available to solder carbon strips flex cable??
2) smd fuse its size is approx 2-3 mm rectangle value: 1.4A/32V
3) 2.5mm to 5mm length 4-Pell small screws for video cameras or similar electronics
4) need lcd cable for SONY DCR HC 39E
hello sir ,
i m also a embedded freak but a novice yet.
i want a graphic lcd for my avr module no is HQM1286404 plz tell if u know any importer.
thanks in advance 🙂
Rather than importing the expensive LCD module, I will suggest you to use Nokia’s 6610 color graphic LCD (132×132 pixels, 8bpp). It can be obtained from any mobile repair shop for around 600Rs.
Hi omkar,
Thanks for the list!
The info that i got here is was really helpfull…thanks
in reply to various questions asked above i would like to mention that an online electronic shop will cater to the needs of almost all the above components.
NOTE:- If you dont find the component you need then please leave a list of components in “contact us ” area.
Can you provide contact details for Mitsutek, Andheri?
Mitsutek: Nine-8-one-9987069; 0-two-two-25151939; nine-8-six-9316081
Thank You. 🙂
Can somebody send me the list of electronics components like resistor capacitors and other things of exact values which are supposed to be required in the Electronics lab of Engineering colleges.
I want to buy all for the Lab repository of My College.
Please do send me your reply on
Hi, send me a mail on elecrom [at] gmail[dot]com. I have prepared a useful list for such purposes.
pls tell me where can i get fingerprint module sm630 of miaxis
Please send me some e-mail ids of shops in Mumbai and Kolkatta to whom i can send the quotation request.
I have provided contact numbers of the shops. Contact them directly over the phone to get the quotation.
Thanks buddy…
Can you suggest me some shops where i can get a PV cell(Photovoltaic cell)… in mumbai or kolkata
Again some shops in kolkata fo the components if u have any idea of that.
sir i have recqwair for some smd parts for desktop motherbord
i/o ite all serise
adp all serise
mosfat 3055
as per posibal plz. sand prise fast
Pl get me quotation for the following components in minmum Quantity of each component (50K)50,000 pcs per month.
I am looking for 1Nf/500V/1KV 1206 10% Capacitor . Please let me know if this is availabl
i need TLC5510 which is an Analog to digital converter IC.
so can u let me know from where can i get this IC in mumbai.
i searching same pll ics (TAA1057,TAA5512),philips tv tuner (UV 936E,UV918) FOR TV TUNER BASED RECEIVER OR PROJECT ON Mirror of Freddo’s Electronics Page.
I could not found in mumbai,
EMAAR IMPEX P.LTD having list on their list but no rply from them .
please find source
Where can i get electronic compass 1490 (Its from Dinsmore) ? what would be the cost??
did u find it ??
where can i get LM2623 and QRE111GR??
i am looking for LMC 6482 IN & LTC 1092 where will i get this in mumbai or bangalore, my no is +91 +9821734981
you can order free samples from website.
communicate with the shops whose telephone numbers have been provided.
I am looking for 180 ohm /182 ohm 0402 1% resistor . Please let me know if this is availabl
refer to
Is there any plan to update the price.
we need LM-4860 in SMD package where can i find in Mumbai or urgent available centre
can you tell me if their is any reasonably priced speed encoder available.for 100 rpm motor d.c.,12v , 350 360 pulses per rotation
tell me the cost and the location
thanx its urgent.
Sorry … no idea
can anyone tell me where can i get smd connectors in mumbai
SMD connectros in mumbai : Spectra connectronics – lamington road
tell me price of GH311
i bought it from visha yesterday
GH311 Ultrasonic Proximity module – Rs 600/-
Thanks for updates. I have updated the price list and also included price for LPC2138. Its for the same shop. Go there personally and ask. Above price is valid if you purchase at least 3 to 4 nos at a time.
Oriole Electronics no longer keeps AT91SAM7S64.
omkar, you may want to remove/update that in your list.
please let me know if i can get the ARM microcontroller from any other place at the affordable unit price in mumbai.
I know quite a few places but they are very costly,
eg LPC2138 is > 500 Rs @ SMD components ( 54B, Proctor Road, “Drug house building”, off Lamington Road, Mumbai 7).
thanks again , your list is very helpful
Can you help me with photoresist method of making PCBs..
do we get the chemicals.. photoresist, developer in india.
Oriole Electronics
4, Kurla Industrial Estate, Narayan Nagar, Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai – 400086.
* Tel.: +91-22-2509 4241-46
* Fax: +91-22-2511 5810
Hi there,
I’m looking for 20-30 NMB geared stepper motors, model no. PG15S-020.
I’ve searched all of Lajpat Rai Mkt(Delhi) , but to no avail.
Do you by any chance know of any shop that might have this (PG) series of NMB steppers ?
I called up Bombay electronics and Servo electronics, both do not keep this series.
The Bangalore office of Minebea (NMB) is not picking up their phones..have been trying for 2-3 days..
If possible, kindly look into this.
AT91SAM7S64 @ 200 Rs seems to be very cheap(hope it is not a typo ). i want to try my hands at this chip if it is available at such a low price . Also please let me know if you know of any programmer to flash these chip , please give me the exact address from where i can get these chip at such a lower price
Does Amar electronics have their any web site, if yes please let me know , ineed some details from them,..
I am looking for IR Bandpass Filter range 800 nm to 990 nm. Also i am looking out for Line Laser Lens,Beam Splitter with 70 – 90 degree incedence.
Where in Mumbai i will get it ? Please help google is not helping out much
I am looking for male female DC power connector like the ones used in laptop capable of handling a power rating of 12 volts, 2.5 amps. I am going to use these connectors on a wire so I need the connector with the basic housing covering the metal pins unlike the PCB mounted housing.
Please tell me where I can get these connectors. If possible give me names of manufacturers in and around mumbai.
Good work elecrom! I was looking for array microphone that can be conected to a computer for speech recording. I have seen few abroad at USD 50-60. Anything in India. What price? Anywhere in Kolkata?
can anyone provide contact where i can get BGA reballing kit for computer mother boards & soldering balls.
mail the details to
thanks in advance.
where can i find ntegrated circuits (HARD TO LOCATE) ,list aS mailed by adithya
okey elecrom,
i have mailed you our stock list ,all integrated circuits are very special(HARD TO LOCATE) , prices on request
>> Mr Aditya (Amar Etrx)
Kindly do not SPAM the post. I have added reference to your shop on this page. If you want to post the prices for special items(like uCs, DSP processors, etc) at your shop kindly mail me the list at : elecrom [at the rate of] gmail [dot] com.
To program ATMega32 using laptop, you can use USBasp.
Website :
Software required:
You will have to use AVRDude to use USBasp. AVRdude comes with WinAVR. So you need to download and install WinAVR.
I have made PCB for this USBasp. If you want I can give it to you. It will cost you Rs : 300/- + courier charges (If you are located in India).
Provide valid e-mail address and then I will be able to reply further.
I want to program ATmega 32 programmmer but as im having laptop i want to program using laptop.
So, how much this programmer will cost n what are the software i would need .
please explain im noob , i think ponyprog doesnt work on usb.
hv u got the solution
Mitsutek is very busy person and will take lot of time to complete the PCBs. And Image photoplotter is expensive. I have found new Photoplotter and PCB manufacturer in Badlapur. You can give him gerber files and then he will take photoplots and give them for PCB manufacturing. You will have to pay 500Rs as fixed setup charges irrespective of size and quantity of PCBs. You will get PCBs in exact 8 days.
Contact :
Mr. Prashant
Mobile : Nine-Three-2289-57-four-3
Mail : photozone at vsnl dot net
(this is done to avoid spammers and bots)
Ya i am ready to travel on central line,
also i want both single and double sided PCB made with SMD components in it , so PCB manufacturer should support thin track widths and tracks.
Also please let me know if you have info on the andheri addresses that you have given(( Mitsutek, Andheri ) and (Image photo plotters, Saki naka))
thank you very much
thanks a lot
I would be greatfull if you can revise the rates as the dollar rates changed a lot during last few months and the last update is quite old.
Thanks again
Thanks for the info. Useful guide. The problem usually is you dont know what components are available… you look up some datasheet and when you get there, its not available in India. I tried talking to some shops(Bangalore) about computerizing their inventory but they seem reluctant to abandon the kabadi charm. Im not complaining though. Components here are cheap enough.
Avnet and Digikey are usually crazy expensive. I wonder why.
Many shops from lamington send components via COD (Cash On Delivery) Courier. You can call them and tell your list of componenets and give your address. Few of them are Visha electronics, Cirkit electronics, Precious elecronics, etc.
I want to know that if any electronics shop in Lamington road send their products via courier?
SMD resitors > 10ps per res
SMD caps > 30ps to 50ps per cap depending on the value and type
SMD diodes > price varies according to diode.
If you are purchasing components in qty more than 10K or 100K, expect 50%(or even much more) reduction in the price.
Good shops at lamington for SMDs
Precious components :022 23867459 (Chhotani Building, 52-C, Proctor Road, Grant Road (E), Mumbai, 400 007)
SMD electronics : 022 32402444 ( 54B, Proctor Road, “Drug house building”, off Lamington Road, Mumbai 400 007)
Thanks for the list. Can u add some SMD Components like resistors, capacitors, diodes. I need it in a bulk > 1,00,000. Where to find the distributor/ dealer.
Please let me inform soon.
Bye Thanks again. It’s nice to see.
hi elecrom i checked the phone no. on catalog but the phone is not working help
#@Vikas >
Please see the post :
PLCC44 PIN socket = 18Rs
2×16 Line LCD = 100Rs
# SMD avrs can be obtained from visha electronics / SMD components / precious components at lamington road
SMD components : 022 32402444 ( 54B, Proctor Road, “Drug house building”, off Lamington Road, Mumbai 7)
Visha : 022 3862650 (17,Kalpana Bldg,1st Floor,Opp.Lamington Road Police Chowky,349,Lamington Road )